Gregory A. Poplyk's costuming is of Tony Award winning level. Each piece perfectly captures the fashions of the late 1800's and early 1900's. The audience sees dazzling piece after pieces. While acting, singing and dancing are all of a purely fantastic quality and truly make for an enjoyable experience and night of theatre, if for no other reason, people should see this show for the costuming alone. The costuming is that good. review
"...the sets and costumes (by James Wolk and Gregory A. Poplyk respectively) are fabulous"
Variety review
The cast of Yankee Doodle Dandy perform Little Johnny Jones .
Costume design for Sean Martin Hingston as George Cohan in Little Johnny Jones. Costume built by Carelli Costumes.
Costume design for Cynthia Ferrier. Costume built by Carellia Costume.
The Cohan family perform The Happy Prince in Yankee Doodle Dandy.
Sean Martin Hingston and cast perform
You're a Grand Old Flag.
The Cohan family in 45 Minutes to Broadway.
Judy Blazer being fit in costume for Virginia.
Costume built at Carelli Costumes.
Costume design for the male ensemble for
All Her Boys.
Costume design for Danette Holden as Josie Cohan in Little Johnny Jones. Costume built by Carelli Costumes.
Cynthia Ferrier being fit in her Little Johnny Jones costume.
Richard Saunders and David Drummond in
Yankee Doodle Dandy.
Costume design for Danette Holden as Josie Cohan in
45 Minutes from Broadway.
Costume biuilt by Carelli Costumes.
Costume design for Judy Blazer in Virginia.
Costume design for Judy Blazer for So Long Mary.
Judy Blazer and the male ensemble perform So Long Mary.